Pastor’s Welcome
Welcome to WCPC!
The Woodlands Community Presbyterian Church is a community of disciples. Our diversity is great, yet we find our unity in acknowledging the Lordship of Jesus Christ. We recognize that everyone is at a different place in their journey, so we strive to offer many opportunities through worship, study, fellowship and service that address the spiritual needs each of us have as we live our lives of faith. We also believe strongly that the journey of discipleship is meant to be shared with others in community, a community that not only nurtures one another but always reaches out to meet the needs of others, both locally and globally.
If you decide to worship with us on Sunday we want to do everything possible to make your first visit with us a pleasant and welcoming experience. Review the information on these pages to obtain information on our worship times, Sunday School hour, our location, and our beliefs.
Feel free to stop in anytime to visit us, send us an email or give us a call at
281-363-2040 with further questions. We look forward to meeting you and sharing with you the love of our savior, Jesus Christ.
Reverend Dr. David F. Jones
To receive David’s weekly email, click here.

An Inclusive Church Family Loving, Sharing, and Serving Christ
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