Fellowship Opportunities

What a great opportunity to build relationships! These Dinner Club groups of approximately 7-9 adults meet for a meal and fellowship with one another in each other’s homes.
Make it easy! Keep it informal! Make it creative! Individual groups basically decide when and where to meet.
Dinner Clubs
Join the fun! It is a great opportunity to get to know other Church family members by meeting for dinner and friendly conversation.
General guidelines:
- Small groups of 7-9 people, combining both couples and singles, will be formed (and yes, you can make requests). One person will be assigned as leader to coordinate the dinners.
- Meetings should be approximately monthly.
- Each household will have the opportunity to host in their home, providing the main dish and drinks, with others providing the side dishes and dessert. The group may also choose to meet at a restaurant.
- OR, your group can choose to meet at restaurants if no one wants to cook!
For more information or to sign up, contact Sue Watkins: suewatkins2@icloud.com
Church-Wide Fellowship Meals
Our congregation loves an opportunity to gather for a meal and fellowship together. Whether it is a pancake breakfast, a cookout, a Lenten lunch, or something for a special church event, we purposefully gather at least quarterly on a Sunday, following the 11 am worship service.
Be sure to watch the church publications for our next opportunity to gather together!
Fellowship Group for Parents of Preschool Children
WCPC is offering childcare for this new Fellowship Group meeting Friday nights once a month. This group is for parents of children between 0-4 years old (the youngest child). Please contact Susan Duncan for more information at sduncan@wcpc-tx.org.
Yoga Classes
The Session approved a donation-based Yoga class to be held at The Woodlands Community Presbyterian Church. The instructor, Rita Upadhyaya, requests participants wear comfortable clothing, bring a Yoga mat, and refrain from consuming a heavy meal two hours prior to a session. Contact Rita for more information.
For more information or to sign up for classes, please contact Rita Upadhayaya at
or 713-377-8521.
Cooking Class
From time-to-time Rita will be offering a hands-on cooking class in the WCPC kitchen for anyone interested (participation in Yoga classes is not required). Watch the church calendar for dates and times.
The class will teach some healthy cooking techniques and share some simple vegetarian recipes.
There is a $5 supply fee to cover the cost of the meal prepared by class participants.