
A 13-member advanced handbell ensemble, ringing 5 octaves of Schulmerich bells and 5 octaves of Malmark chimes. We ring mostly Handbell Musicians of America Level 3 or higher music, in a variety of traditional and contemporary sacred repertoire. Jubilate Bells require a serious commitment to rehearsals and ringing in worship.
Meets Wednesdays, 6:30-7:30 pm in the Sanctuary Narthex, late August-May.
Childcare available.
Ring at both services on the third Sunday of the month, plus small ensembles ring for special services as needed.
Sherry Hunter, Director
7th through 12th grade, plus beginning/intermediate adult members
Meets Wednesdays, 5:30-6:15 pm, September-May, in the Sanctuary Narthex.
Performs four times during the school calendar year.
Contact: Sherry Hunter, sherryhunter@comcast.net

Children’s Chimes
Grades 2-6
This group is open to all children. New musicians are always welcome. No previous experience is required.
Meets Wednesdays, 4:15-4:45 pm, September-May in the Sanctuary Narthex.
Performs occasionally in worship plus special events.
Contact: Jonathan Aigner, Director of Music Ministries, jaigner@wcpc-tx.org