Welcome to Peezy’s Blog

“I post messages a lot. So come back to see me often!”
Peezy’s March/April 2021 Post

Did you know that when dirt is full of great organic stuff and lots of happy microorganisms, it is called soil? Soil is critical to our health and well-being! Without it, we don’t have healthy plants, or trees or worms or animals or even people! Let’s learn about ways to improve the health of our soil. Our lives depend upon it. My Mom gets really made at me if I say a dirty word. But maybe HEALTHY dirt is NOT a dirty word!
Peezy’s January/February 2021 Post
You know the rules for recycling (what to recycle and what NOT to recycle). Many recycle bins have a list on the lid. What about when you just don’t know if an item should go in the recycle bin? If you don’t know, please put it in the trash. Contaminating the recycling stream can cause huge problems. And you don’t want to be problem causer. So “when in doubt, throw it out.” Thank you.

Peezy’s November/December 2020 Post

Holiday time is coming up, and I sure do like the treats! It is a great time to treat the birds too. You know we have lots of pine cones around here. Pick out one you like and cover it with peanut butter. Then roll it in a dish of unsalted sunflower seeds so that the seeds stick. Hang it from a tree that you can see from a window. Boom – bird feeder! A great source of food for the birds and entertainment for the holidays. Enjoy!
Peezy’s September/October 2020 Post
I was creeping around the church campus the other day, just looking at the many lively growing things! And the happy butterflies! You know, I think working for a healthier planet is a little bit like defeating the COV-19 virus. How? Well, in each case the action you take today makes a difference for tomorrow. I am going to do my part today, so that we can have a healthy, happy tomorrow!

Peezy’s July/August 2020 Post

Did you know that caterpillars turn into butterflies? They do! To do that they need to eat right! It is good nutrition that helps them make this magical transformation. This past April, our church learned this lesson, big time! You can read about what happened to a project for Earth Care Sunday when a huge number of Monarch butterflies came to town. Just read “The Tale of the Very Hungry Caterpillars.”
Peezy’s May/June 2020 Post
Are you hunkering down to defeat the baddie COVID-19? I sure am! Many places are closed right now. But I have a surprise for you. The Woodlands Township Recycle Center on Research Forest Drive is still open 4 to 7pm on Wednesdays and 9am to 2pm on Saturdays. Wow! That means you can continue to take your clean glass bottles. It is a MUCH better way than in your regular curbside bin. Let’s do it!