Welcome to Peezy’s Blog

“I post messages a lot. So come back to see me often!”
Peezy’s March/April 2023 Post

Did you know that over 1/3 of the food produced in the US is never eaten? It is true, and food waste is the single most common material landfilled and incinerated in the country. Wow! That means reducing food waste will not only promote resource and energy conservation but also address the biggie – climate change! I’m going to keep that in mind when I plan meals, purchase food, and when I have leftovers.
Peezy’s January/February 2023 Post
Hey everybody, check out my fancy new water bottle! Not only is it SUPER CUTE, but it is something I can use every day. It goes everywhere with me. I can help cut down on the plastic waste that is contaminating our oceans, rivers and lakes. That is a huge health hazard, and I don’t want to make the problem even worse. So I use my bottle. You should get one, too!

Peezy’s November/December 2022 Post

I’ve gone all in on LED Christmas lights. It saves electricity and money. LEDs are cooler than incandescents, which makes them safer. They last longer, and I can attach 25 strings end-to-end without overloading a wall socket. What to do with my old lights? I don’t want to throw them in the trash, because they contain toxic materials. I will recycle the old light strings at WCPC! That’s a win-win.
Peezy’s September/October 2022 Post
I have a new resolution: Wash dishes to reduce my use of paper and plastic. It’s really not that hard, even for a big group – as long as you have some friends to help! Our church meal gatherings are so wonderful, but we go through LOTS of dinnerware. All we need is a few friends to wash up the dishes now and then, and we can dodge the paper and plastic. Many friends make the work light – and fun! It is a new way of doing things. And new can be good.
Rev. 21:5 – Behold, I make all things new.

Peezy’s July/August 2022 Post

Peezy’s May/June 2022 Post
Rev. 21:5 – Behold, I make all things new. The past few weeks, it seems like we see new growth everywhere. Spring is here! Ya know the new growth I love to see? Berries! Yep, the strawberries have been going strong, and the blueberries will be close behind. And the very best way to enjoy their freshness is to pick them yourself. What a great outing for the family to enjoy together. I think we should all make “pick your own” a habit. Come to think of it, once you try it, you’ll automatically be back for more.