“Together We Can…”  
 Our theme text this Stewardship Season and through 2025 is “Together We Can…”
 The Woodlands Community Presbyterian Church throughout our history has chosen wisely and as a result not only has this community lived fully but so have others because of the choices we have made. Together as we respond to God’s call let us continue to make wise choices with our time, our talent and our treasure.

The chart below offers you the opportunity to see what percent of your income you are contributing to the work of WCPC.  Please prayerfully consider how you might increase that giving this year so that our ministry to one another and our mission to others will continue and increase with vitality and passion.

Commitment cards are being mailed this month asking for your financial support 
of the ministry and mission of WCPC.  Cards may be returned on Commitment Sunday,
returned to the church office, or you may make your commitment online by using the form below.
2025 ONLINE Commitment Form
Please note: Fields with and asterisk (*) are required.

2025 ONLINE Commitment Form

    * Your Name

    * Your Email

    * Street Address

    Street Address 2

    * City

    * State

    Zip Code


    * $

    * Frequency:

    WeeklyMonthlyAnnuallyOne Time