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for d365 devotionals or view online!

The Office of Ministries with Youth of the Presbyterian Mission Agency, Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) announces a FREE app created for iPad, iPhone and other iOS devices, making the daily devotions posted online by d365.org even more accessible to its users.

d365.org has been posting daily devotions since 2006, reflecting a new theme based upon the Revised Common Lectionary each week. d365.org is designed to inspire readers to live a relevant faith in a changing and complex world. The mobile app contains the same five devotional steps as the website: Pause, Listen, Think, Pray and Go. These steps allow the user to encounter Christ, reflect on scripture and receive encouragement to live out their faith.

d365.org is sponsored by the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship, and the Episcopal Church. It highlights the seasons of Advent and Lent, as well as a does a period of transition between summer and the beginning of each new school year.

The app is complementary to the newly redesigned website and has features such as variable font sizes, access to archived devotions and reminder notifications when new devotions have been posted. For mobile devices that are not iOS compatible, the website is designed to be easily viewed online.

On the app, the user can easily scroll through each screen to access each of the devotional steps, and each devotion is accompanied by music that is complementary to the devotion. Within the app, users can access information on the writer of the day and the music that is being played.